The fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is one of the most popular, enduring and iconic indoor plants. With its massive leaves and imposing presence, it's no wonder it's been a home decor mainstay for so many years!

Some people think fiddle leaf figs are high-maintenance - but we disagree entirely. If you get the basics right, your fiddle leaf fig will reward you with its lush foliage and general good looks for years to come. Simply follow our foolproof 5-step guide below for a happy fiddle!


5 steps to fiddle leaf fig care success

This fiddle has been styled in a well-lit indoor spot away from windows. Tick!

Step 1: Find the perfect spot.

Pick a spot indoors with bright but indirect light - direct sun can burn the leaves, so spots right next to windows are generally no-go zones. Draughts from air conditioners and heaters can also cause damage, so keep your fiddle clear of these too.

Note: Fiddle leaf figs will become huge (up to 15m tall) and invasive if planted outdoors, quickly overtaking your garden with roots that may cause structural issues with your home down the line. We strongly recommend that you keep them indoors in large pots, and that you do not grow them outdoors.





Top tip: Keep your fiddle leaf fig in a plastic nursery pot, and slip that inside a decorative pot or basket. This will help when it comes time to water!

Step 2: Choose the right pot and potting mix.

Happy fiddles grow quite tall pretty quickly (up to 3m indoors!), so they will need regular repotting into progressively larger containers to keep their roots comfy. We always recommend keeping your fiddle leaf fig in a pot with drainage - plastic nursery pots are perfect for this, and you can slip them inside a decorative planter or basket to suit your decor, with a saucer to prevent drips. We also recommend using a premium indoor potting mix to help these guys thrive - our pick of the bunch is Supersoil Indoor, Balcony and Hanging Basket Mix.





The bath is a great place to water your indoor plants and allow them to drain - fiddle leaf figs included!

Step 3: Nail the watering schedule.

Like Goldilocks, your fiddle needs just the right amount to drink. Water only when the top 2-3cm of potting mix is dry (gauge this by sticking your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle, or by using a moisture meter - if it's wet, don't water!). In winter this might stretch to fortnightly or even monthly, but as we approach summer you may need to up it to weekly watering sessions. When you do water, don't be stingy - saturate the mix completely and allow it to dry out gradually. Where possible, it's great to do this outdoors or in your bath or shower, so your plant doesn't leak and drip all over your floors!





Step 4: Feed when they're hungry.

Plants are like people in a lot of ways - like us, they need food to help them reach their potential! Apply a liquid fertiliser once a month from late spring to early autumn, which is your fiddle's growing season. Our top pick is Osmocote Pour + Feed Indoor Plant Fertiliser. There's no need to fertilise during winter, as your fiddle won't be doing much growing then!


Wiping down your fiddle's foliage occasionally will help to keep it shiny, healthy and free of dust.

Step 5: Keep it clean.

Plants use their big, broad leaves to create energy - but the size of your fiddle's foliage also means there's a big surface area for dust to accumulate. Wiping them down regularly with a soft cloth will help keep them clean and shiny, allowing for more effective photosynthesis. For bonus points, pick up a bottle of We The Wild's Protect Spray, which will keep your fiddle's leaves looking glossy and photo-ready at all times.


Bonus tip: Be vigilant

They say an ounce of prevention is worth an ounce of cure - and that goes for plants, too. Plants that are well cared for and regularly checked over by their plant parents tend to thrive, simply because emerging issues are nipped in the bud before they take over. For common fiddle leaf fig issues to look out for, and fast ways to fix them, check out our troubleshooting guide here.


Are you growing a gorgeous fiddle leaf fig at home? We'd love to see it! Tag us on Instagram or Facebook @flowerpowergardencentres.