After a bit of a break with gardening through the depths of winter, the warming conditions that herald the approach of spring make gardeners keen to get outside into the garden and check out what’s in flower at the garden centre. But picking the right plants is only part of it - getting your garden ready for planting in spring is paramount for success.

Spring brings lots of new plants to plant and grow in the garden. It's also the ideal time to grow vegetables. To get the most from your spring gardening adventures - whether you're growing flowering plants, fruiting plants or vegetables - late winter or early spring is the time to start getting your soil, pots or raised beds ready for planting.


How to prepare garden beds for planting in spring

To ready garden beds for planting in spring, gently dig over the existing soil. This will help you remove weeds and to break up clods of earth. Take care not to disturb the roots of existing plants. Top up with additional Supersoil Garden Soil if needed. Water the area and make sure water is soaking into the soil (if not, apply a soil wetting agent).

In the area where new plants are to grow, work in Supersoil Garden Compost or Supersoil Cow Manure Blend to a depth of around 15-20cm. If the area is heavily planted, use the compost or manure as you would a mulch or top dressing. Cover any bare soil with organic mulch such as Martins Organic Sugar Cane Mulch to prevent weed growth. Allow the prepared soil to rest for a week or two before planting flowering plants, fruiting plants or vegetables. If fresh manure is used, leave the soil for at least six weeks before planting.

Getting your garden ready for planting in spring

Dig plenty of organic matter into your existing soil and top up with more garden mix if necessary.


How to prepare pots and containers for planting in spring

To ready pots and containers for planting in spring, empty out spent potting mix. Old potting mix can be added to garden beds or the compost heap or bin. Clean the pot and sterilise it by rinsing in diluted disinfectant such as Dettol. Also check under the rim and under the base for snails and remove them.

Refill the pot with premium potting mix, selecting a mix that suits the plants you are going to grow (Flower Power's recommendations are here). If the potting mix in the containers is relatively fresh and previous plants grew well, simply reinvigorate it with addition of new potting mix or compost. Dig the new mix in thoroughly.

Water well, then check that water is not only soaking into the potting mix, but also draining from the drainage holes in the base of the container. If there are drainage problems, check that water can drain freely through the drainage holes in the base of the container and that they are not blocked with old root growth.

Tip: Slightly raising containers on bricks or pot feet can aid drainage. It's also a great way to prevent roots escaping from the pot into the soil.

Preparing your garden for spring planting

Preparing pots with fresh potting mix is a great way to kick off spring growth season.


How to prepare raised garden beds for planting in spring

Soil in raised garden beds has often slumped (that is dropped down below the top of the raised bed) due to weathering and crops taking up nutrients. Slumped soil needs to be topped up before planting in spring. Remove spent plants and weeds and also check for snails or slugs before adding fresh organic garden mix. Make sure that all the roots are removed from the bed.

Next dig in fresh organic garden mix along with compost. This will both raise the soil level in the bed and add nutrients to help the new plants to grow. Cover the surface with a layer of organic mulch to prevent weed growth and conserve moisture. Move the mulch aside when it is time to plant then spread it back around new plants.

For specialty raised beds such as Vegepods, follow the filling and refilling advice in this article.

Getting your garden ready for planting in spring

Raised garden beds need a little extra care for spectacular spring results.


Need more spring garden advice?

For all your spring gardening needs and expert advice, visit your local Flower Power Garden Centre. They have qualified horticulturists in every nursery who can't wait to help you achieve your dream spring garden!