Growing blueberries in Sydney
Delicious and versatile - they're just two of the reasons why blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum and Hybrids) are among the most popular fruits to grow in home gardens. You can grow them in an orchard, veggie bed or garden bed - dwarf varieties will even grow happily in a large container. Blueberries grow across cool, temperate and subtropical climates, which means... -
Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica) is one of the most bulletproof shrubs around. Need a plant in a pot? Indian hawthorn. Need a low, compact hedge? Indian hawthorn. Want pretty spring flowers? Indian hawthorn. Need a shrub with small, glossy, dark green leaves? You guessed it, Indian hawthorn. Evergreen? Indian hawthorn. Suits an exposed balcony or garden with heat, wind, coastal... -
Growing berries
Berries are a delicious treat, especially those picked fresh from your own garden. Berries that do well in gardens include strawberries, all the brambles (raspberries, thornless blackberry, tayberry and others), blueberries and the delicious new kiwiberry. It makes your mouth water just thinking about them!  Strawberries Strawberries can be grown just about anywhere there’s a sunny spot. These pretty...
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