caring tips

  1. Clivia

    Botanical name: Clivia miniata Common names: Clivia or Kaffir Lily A little bit about Clivia Originally from South Africa, Clivias grow happily in most areas of Australia, brightening gardens from late winter to early spring. Clivia have strappy, dark green leaves and orange trumpet flowers propped above them on a stalk. There are now also different varieties of Clivia available that produce red-orange, yellow and cream flowers and bi-colour varieties...
  2. Care advice for calatheas

    Care advice for calatheas
    Calatheas are popular house plants thanks to their impressive foliage. There are many species and cultivars to choose from, with the shape, size and pattern of the leaf varying for each. This fun and flamboyant foliage gives Calatheas a range of common names including Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant and Rattlesnake Plant.   Botanical name Calathea Common names Peacock Plant, Zebra...
  3. Pandorea

    Botanical name: Pandorea jasminoides var and Pandorana var Common names: Wonga Wonga Vine or Bower Vine A little bit about Pandorea Pandorea is an evergreen native climber with tubular or funnel-shaped flowers. Foliage is either dark green and glossy or bright green and growth is vigorous.  Flowering will occur mainly through spring and summer but will spot flower throughout the year. Jasminoides var can produce...
  4. Bougainvillea

    Botanical name: Bougainvillea Common names: Bougainvillea A little bit about Bougainvillea Bougainvillea are scrambling shrubs that can become vigorous climbers. They're known for their intensely coloured flowers, which are actually a modified coloured leaf called a bract. A ring of bracts surrounds the tiny white tubular flowers clustering in the centre. While originally from South America you will come across Bougainvillea in Southern Europe (hello...
  5. Cyclamen

    For a beautiful indoor flower display from late autumn through winter, you can't go past cyclamen. Their unique heart-shaped flowers and blooms ranging from white and pink to mauve and red also make them an impressive gift. A little bit about Cyclamen Botanical name: Cyclamen Height: Cyclamen can grow up to 20cm high, but growth will be contained in pots. Cyclamen is...

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