Coastal Rosemary

  1. Flower Power's favourite reliable landscaping plants

    Flower Power's favourite reliable landscaping plants
    There are some plants that are just so reliable in gardens that they are on every garden designer’s plant list. These reliable plants are often referred to as ‘landscaping plants’. They can be used to form a basic planting scheme that can be embellished to create an individual garden. Most also lend themselves to mass-planting for low-maintenance areas, or to...
  2. The best native hedging plants for Sydney gardens

    The best native hedging plants for Sydney gardens
    Hedges are important elements of many gardens as they provide screening and shelter and can be grown to divide up internal garden spaces. As well, they provide a vertical element in gardens and can offer a safe habitat for wildlife. They can also provide seasonal colour - for example, from flowers or fruit. Hedges are also a great way to...
  3. The 9 most popular native plants for Sydney gardens

    The 9 most popular native plants for Sydney gardens
    In the past, there was a firm belief that if you wanted to grow Australian native plants, you had to have a completely native garden. This was partly due environmental beliefs, partly aesthetic and partly because native plants were considered to have special growing requirements which didn’t mix well with other garden plants. Well, times have changed. Australian native plants...
  4. Wind-tolerant plants and plantings

    Wind-tolerant plants and plantings
    Have you ever noticed how plants growing near the coast or on windy hillsides are often small and gnarled? They look as if they’re hanging on with all their roots, trying to keep their branches low and out of the wind. The very same plant growing in a sheltered spot usually stands tall and upright. If your garden, or even...
  5. Happy medium natives

    Happy medium natives
    Whether you're looking for a flowering feature shrub to impress, a tough plant for an exposed spot or a dense hedging plant this list of medium growing natives will give you plenty of choice. Need more help choosing the perfect plant? Visit our horticulture experts in-store to view our full range and to get personal advice for your garden.   Popular medium-growing...

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