indoor plants
The perfect house plant: How to care for your Peace Lily
Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum commutatum) is a classic indoor plant grown for its lush green strappy leaves and long-lasting white flowers. The flowers are spathes and consist of a large white ‘petal’ that wraps like a hood around a central spike or spadex. The flowers are held on stiff stems above the green leaves and last for weeks. They can occur throughout... -
The ultimate guide to bathroom plants: best plants for your bathroom
Searching for the best plants for bathrooms? Look no further. The warm, steamy conditions of your bathroom create the ultimate climate for these 10 indoor plants. Permission to turn up the heat and enjoy a hot shower. 1. Bird’s nest fern Asplenium nidus For a bold, lush and vibrant addition to your bathroom, the glossy, sword-shaped fronds of the... -
How to care for Fiddle Leaf Figs & other indoor figs
Fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is a stylish and desirable indoor plant. This ornamental fig grows well in a large container positioned in a brightly-lit spot in your home. While it is important for the plant to have lots of light, don’t allow it to sit in hot, direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves. Also keep the plant away from air-conditioners... -
Caring for your Living Trends terrarium
Now that you’re the proud owner of a beautiful new fern or succulent terrarium, we’re sure you want to keep it that way. The good news is, terrariums are easy to care for. Here’s everything you need to know to keep your terrarium looking great. Where to position your terrarium Because your plants are surrounded by glass, it's important... -
Fern Care: How to look after indoor and outdoor ferns
Ferns are popular because of their suitability as indoor plants. But the group has even more to offer, as most thrive outdoors, growing well in shaded spots where other plants struggle. They could be just the plant to grow in a courtyard or small shaded garden to create a cool, lush look. Ferns are ancient plants. What sets them apart... -
Plants that like to holiday indoors
Whether you want to spruce up your space for a party night or just want to welcome living flowering colour inside, here are 13 outdoor plants that love to holiday indoors. 1. Philodendron The word philodendron translates to ‘tree lover’ because of the plant’s ability to grow on trees. But this lush ornamental plant with large and glossy leaves... -
16 pet-safe indoor plants
Pets are part of the family, and now more than ever, they're living in the lap of luxury. They're whiling away their time curled up on the couch rather than in a kennel - so, it makes sense that our homes should be a sanctuary for them in every way. Keep your four-legged friends happy, healthy and out of harm’s... -
5 Best Large Indoor Plants That Make A Statement
Soft-tip yucca Soft-tip yucca Yucca elephantipes Also known as a spineless yucca, there’s nothing timid about this bold South American native. Bring out its natural beauty and enhance its sculptural shape by removing old leaves from the bottom of the trunk. You can also keep its width and height in check by cutting back the top and stems. To ensure your yucca looks... -
A beginner’s guide to growing succulents
Fascinating and beautiful, succulents are wonderful examples of nature’s adaptability. You’ll find succulents thriving the world over, in places with little rainfall where most plants stand zero chance of survival. To withstand these harshest of conditions, succulents grow slowly and store water in their thick, fleshy leaves, stems, roots or tubers. Succulents come in a cornucopia of colours and shapes... -
Caring for phalaenopsis orchids
Phalaenopsis or moth orchids are long-lived flowering pot plants that add style and grace to any indoor setting. They are available year round with flowers that last for months. The flowers are usually purple, white or a combination of both. The graceful arching flower stems grow from a small clump of wide strappy leaves. These potted flowers are excellent gifts...