7 tools every gardener needs
Whether you’re new to the gardening game or an old hand, here are seven gardening tools no green thumb can live without. For the balcony gardeners among us, a pair of secateurs, a hand fork and a trowel will do just fine. 1. Secateurs Secateurs. Clippers. Pruning shears. Whatever you like to call them, this is a tool no gardener can... -
The hazy purple-blue, flower-laden branches of jacarandas are so much part of November in Sydney that many people think the trees must be native. They’re not, but they have been growing in Australia for more than 150 years. Jacarandas (Jacaranda mimosifolia) are native to parts of Central and South America including Brazil and thrive across southern Australia where they are... -
How to: Planting
Sometimes when you're new to something, it's the most basic things that can be hard to find information on. That's why we've created our planting how to guide - in six easy steps! If you've been wondering why your new plants never seem as happy as they did they day you took them home, make sure you follow the steps...
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