star jasmine

  1. Trachelospermum Jasminoides: Star Jasmine Growing Guide

    Trachelospermum Jasminoides: Star Jasmine Growing Guide
    Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides), also known as Chinese star jasmine, is a lovely climbing plant that ticks a lot of boxes for gardeners. It is vigorous, evergreen and easy to grow in temperate and subtropical climates. It is also highly perfumed indeed. Its name of ‘jasmine’ comes from the clusters of beautifully perfumed, creamy-white, star-like flowers that smother the vine...
  2. Privacy Plants for Balconies

    Privacy Plants for Balconies
    Do you have a balcony you don’t use because it’s overlooked? Perhaps you feel too exposed or uncomfortable to relax on your balcony, and this lack of privacy is why you never venture out! The right plants can transform an under-used and over-exposed balcony, sheltering it from the elements as well as from prying eyes. Plants act as green screens...
  3. No-patience-needed plants

    No-patience-needed plants
    Gardeners need to be patient as they wait for trees and shrubs to bloom and hedges to grow. But do we really have to wait ages for a beautiful garden? The good news is there are fast-growing outdoor plants out there that can quickly fill up empty spaces. Block out the neighbours One of the first plantings most new gardeners...
  4. In the night garden

    In the night garden
    Night scent Scented plants add an extra dimension to the night garden. Perfume is one of the lures plants use to attract pollinators to their flowers. Those plants that rely on night-flying insects for pollination (such as moths and beetles) may be extra fragrant at night or may only open at night, furling their flowers by day. To enjoy plants...
  5. Jasmine

    A little bit about jasmine If you know the sweet scent of jasmine, you know it’s impossible to forget. In fact, you can probably smell jasmine before you can see it. Not surprisingly, it’s one of the perfume world’s most popular aromas. Beyond its famous fragrance, jasmine is adorned with masses of flowers and offer fast growth and hardiness. Jasmine is so fragrant...

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