World Kitchen - France - Tomato Rouge de Marmande
Lycopersicon esculentum - Tomato Rouge de Marmande
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A large flattened red-ribbed fruit that's a French heirloom variety with an outstanding flavour, very few seeds and good disease and pest resistance. An excellent, early-ripening plant producing delicious tomatoes on a bushy plant. The tomatoes are best eaten fresh, added to salads or cooked. Harvest when ripe.

Contains average 75 seeds.

Light Requirements — Full sun
Soil Requirements — Well drained soil
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Planting Advice

Sow in pots or trays of seed-raising mix in a sunny but sheltered position. Sow seed 5mm (1/4in) deep, firm down gently and keep moist. Seedlings appear within 7 to 14 days. Transfer to final growing position when sturdy enough, spacing plants 50cm (20in) apart. Pinch out the side shoots and fertilise regularly once first trusses have set. Harvest as needed.

Watering needs

Keep soil moist.

Pruning Advice

Pinch out the side shoots.

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