Flower Power's Top 10 Plants for 2020
Looking to add on-trend foliage to your home or garden in 2020? You're in luck. Whether you have a rambling yard with plenty of space, a cute courtyard or balcony or you're an indoor-only gardener, Flower Power have come up with a list of the top 10 plants you need to consider in 2020. Here are a few reasons why you'll love every one of them.
Elephant ear (Alocasia zebrina)
Grow this plant where you can enjoy the boldly-striped leafstalks as well as its large, green, heart-shaped leaves. Grow it as an indoor plant in a brightly lit spot or grow outdoors in a very sheltered area out of the sun. Allow the soil to dry out between watering, and avoid wetting the stems or leaves. In a very dry indoor climate, create extra humidity by standing the pot on a tray filled with water and gravel (but never let the pots sit directly in water). Note: this is one to keep out of the reach of children and pets as it shouldn’t be chewed and can irritate skin and eyes.
Stromanthe sanguinea ‘Tricolour’
This variegated, leafy plant can be used in the garden (in a frost-free position) or in a brightly-lit spot indoors. It forms a clump of green and white striped leaves with dark pink undersides. Although it does have flowers, it is grown more for its striking leaves. Plants can form clumps that are 50-100cm high.
Philodendron ‘Minima’ (syn. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma)
Also known as a "mini monstera", the glossy green, cut leaves of this fast-growing climber make it a winner for indoors or a balcony. Give it somewhere to spread to enjoy the highly attractive leaves. Plants grow to around 1m high and 2m wide. It is an ideal choice where traditional philodendrons and monsteras are just too big! It also adds a very tropical feel to gardens. Keep the leaves free of dust. Water when dry.

Alocasia Zebrina, Stromanthe Tricolour and Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.
Pothos ‘Silver Satin’ (syn. Scindapsus pictus)
This is a newly-available form of this popular indoor plant with bold silver patterning on its large, heart-shaped leaves. Grow it in well-drained potting mix in a brightly lit spot indoors. As it climbs or trails, position it where it can dangle its stems. This striking new variety will be available in Flower Power stores from March 2020.
Chain of hearts (Ceropegia woodii)
Another popular indoor plants that’s very easy to grow, chain of hearts has small, heart-shaped silver green and white leaves. As it grows it forms long chains. Best with bright light indoors and can also be used on balconies. For those who want a variation look for a variegated form, which has pink, cream, green and grey variegated leaves.
Heliconia ‘Hot Rio Nights’
This form of ornamental ginger has large, lush foliage and bold pinky-red flowers, which appear in summer and autumn. It is a tropical to subtropical plant but can grow in temperate zones in a warm, protected location with full sun to part shade. It is not suitable for areas with frost! Plants will grow 3-4m high.
This succulent plant is a hybrid between Agave and Manfreda. It does well in a dry spot in sun or part shade and is fast growing. Grow in the garden or in a container. The plant grows as a rosette with thick succulent leaves that are toothed around their edges but not as sharply pointed as agaves. There are several varieties available with interesting foliage colours including lavender grey and patterns including spotting as seen on Mangave Pineapple Express. Frost and cold hardy to around -6C.

Variegated Chain of Hearts, Heliconia Hot Rio Nights and a Mangave.
Peperomia graveolens 'Ruby Glow'
This peperomia is a standout for its tough leaves that are green on top and claret red beneath. It has thick leaves and strong stems. Grow it in a rockery with gravel mulch or put it in a pot as this plant needs well-drained soil. It grows to a compact 25cm high. Indoors in a container it needs a very brightly lit spot, or otherwise grow it on your balcony.
Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica)
This evergreen shrub has been popular for tough locations for decades as it really tolerates tough conditions from exposed balconies to hedges. Look for named varieties with white or pink flowers, which smother the plant in spring. Plants grow around 1m or more high but can be pruned. Click here for more care advice.
Always popular, frangipanis are outstanding in hot, dry conditions. They really are just big succulents and can reach 3m or more high and wide in the right position. Select your favourite colour – from traditional white with a yellow blotch through to sunset tones of pink, dark red and yellow – and enjoy their fragrance, too. Frangipanis are deciduous in winter and need a warm, frost-free spot so they are best planted against a north-facing wall. Enjoy flowers at their peak during summer and autumn. Click here to learn more about caring for your frangipani.

Rhaphiolepis 'Snow Maiden', Frangipani 'Black Jack Red' and a standard Frangipani.