When we moved into our new garden, the first thing we did was repair the irrigation system. It had missing sprayers, some bits were slashed and it didn’t cover all the garden. Despite it being the middle of winter, we knew we’d need the irrigation system in tip-top condition when the hot weather returned and the rain dried up.

Whether you are repairing an existing system or starting from scratch, there are some very good reasons to have a watering system in your garden. Here are Flower Power's top five.


Whether you install drippers or sprinklers, an irrigation system can take some of the ongoing work out of gardening.


Reason #1: It makes gardening easier.

Irrigation, once installed, makes  watering convenient and stress free. It’s very easy to simply turn on the tap and walk away knowing the garden is getting the water it needs.

Reason #2: It's consistent.

Irrigation acts as a great failsafe. No matter what kind of distraction might occur in your life, you can be sure your garden will be watered on schedule if you install a watering system with an automatic timer.

Reason #3: It's targeted.

By using an irrigation system fitted with a sprayer or a dripper, water goes exactly where it’s needed. There’s no waste, so you may use less water and save money.

Reason #4: It's adaptable.

Despite what you may think, irrigation doesn't have to be rigid. An irrigation system can be amended, added to or changed as your garden grows.

Reason #5: It caters to your wants and needs.

An irrigation system with a timer can be set to water at any time, which means you can have the system watering at night when there’s less demand on water or while you’re away from home.


Irrigation systems can be set up to water any size or style of garden, including balcony, courtyard and container gardens. You can get everything you need to set up a DIY irrigation system, from drip lines and sprayers to barbs and connectors, at your local Flower Power Garden Centre. Click here to check out the irrigation range. Alternatively, Flower Power's expert Garden Care team will happily set one up to suit your garden - click here to enquire!