10 best large-leaf indoor plants to style your home
For some, when it comes to indoor plants, bigger is better! From fiddle leaf figs to philodendrons there are many lush and leafy indoor plants to grow to decorate your home. In general, large-leaved indoor plants need a brightly lit spot indoors out of direct sun, which can burn the lush foliage. It is important to keep these large and... -
Monstera Deliciosa 101: How To Care For Your Monstera
If there's one plant that will feature in most of our recent memories, it's definitely the Monstera. How could it not, with its iconic foliage popping up everywhere we turn? There are Facebook groups and Instagram hashtags dedicated to the love of indoor plants, filled with beautiful shots of monsteras in their new homes. You'll even notice monstera leaves when... -
How to grow insta-worthy indoor plants
With indoor greenery so popular on social media, plant pics are a sure-fire way to get your ‘like’ count soaring. So, what are the best ways to grow and care for an on-trend, "insta-worthy" indoor plant that looks great and photographs well? Plants that photograph well include those with interesting leaf shapes, silhouettes and colour patterns – such as variegations... -
Plants that like to holiday indoors
Whether you want to spruce up your space for a party night or just want to welcome living flowering colour inside, here are 13 outdoor plants that love to holiday indoors. 1. Philodendron The word philodendron translates to ‘tree lover’ because of the plant’s ability to grow on trees. But this lush ornamental plant with large and glossy leaves...
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