As winter starts to settle into the garden, you might be thinking about putting on your slippers, not your gardening boots. But your garden still needs lots of love during the quieter months, and June is the perfect time for planting roses, citrus, and winter veggies, as well as preventing pesky lawn weeds. And don’t forget your pruning tools – some solid pruning now means you can look forward to beautiful blooms later in the year.
Skip to what to plant in the garden in June
Skip to which plants need feeding in June
Skip to which plants to prune in June
Skip to garden pests, diseases and weeds to look out for in June
Skip to June's general lawn and garden care tasks
Skip to your June garden centre shopping list
What's flowering in June?
- Trees and shrubs: Camellia sasanqua, camellia japonica, correa, crowea, daphne, French lavender, Geraldton wax, grevillea, hebe, poinsettia.
- Annuals and perennials: Calendula, marigold, hellebore, kalanchoe, pansy, polyanthus, strelitzia, orange trumpet vine.
- Bulbs: Cyclamen, jonquil, daffodil.
What to plant in the garden in June
- Think winter means no flowers? Think again. Cineraria, cyclamen, hollyhock, pansy, stock, alyssum and herbaceous perennials such as delphinium and gerbera are in full bloom.
- Now is the perfect time to get natives like banksia, correa, crowea, eremophila, grevillea and kangaroo paw in the ground. Their roots are actively growing through this winter period, meaning they'll be beautifully established and ready to thrive come spring!
- It’s also a great time to plant your favourite roses, fruit & citrus trees and deciduous trees & shrubs.
- Winter is all about hearty veggies like broad beans, rhubarb, beetroot and spinach.
Which plants to fertilise in June
- Give your annuals and veggies liquid fertiliser, such as Harvest.
Which plants to prune in June
- Cut back deciduous, ornamental-leafed trees while there are no leaves. If your deciduous tree is a flowering or fruiting variety, however, put down the shears - cutting back now means you'll lose your flowers or fruit for the season. Click here for our ultimate pruning guide.
- Trim hydrangea stems bearing dead heads and remove old dead wood. Make sure to cut back to the first or second pair of buds to ensure flowers return next season.
- Cut back your rose stems hard. By removing old wood now, you'll ensure a spectacular spring flower show.
Garden pests, weeds and diseases to look out for in June
- After you've cut back your roses, spray all stems and surrounding soil with Lime Sulphur to keep black spot under control.
- Slugs and snails are on the hunt for emerging bulbs and seedlings. Use pellets like Multiguard Snail & Slug Killer as per packet instructions.
- Watch out for caterpillars on cabbage seedlings. Spray with Nature's Way Caterpillar Killer Dipel or sprinkle with Tomato & Vegetable Dust.
- Check cineraria for leaf miner. If infected, spray with Success ULTRA.
- If you notice little white freckles on your citrus or rose plants, it may be louse scale. Treat with Lime Sulphur.
June's general lawn and garden care tasks
- Now’s the time to ward off nasty winter grass. This weed seeds in autumn, winter and spring, then dies off in summer heat. Left untreated, it’ll weaken your lawn and you'll be battling even more winter grass next season. As soon as you discover any growing in your lawn, spray with a selective weed control like Amgrow Chemspray Winter Grass Killer.
- Are bindiis the bane of your existence in spring and summer? Get them under control now with an application of Bin-Die.
- Take advantage of the quieter months to service, clean and sharpen your gardening tools and lawn mower.
- Buy and plant spring flowering perennials. Add a handful of compost, manure or some complete plant food to the soil. This will ensure healthy spring growth.
- Cut back and divide your perennials. Simply remove the plant from the ground and shake away some of the soil so that the roots are easily seen. The root ball can now be divided by pulling it apart with your hands, a spade or sharp knife. Replant the divisions immediately and keep damp until the new plants are established.
- Reduce the amount of water you're giving to your indoor plants over winter. Don't forget, most indoor plants are native to tropical climates (where thick canopies block direct sunlight), so bring the water to room temperature before you give them a treat - they're not used to it being icy!
Your June garden centre shopping list
- PestOil to control aphids on young annual shoots
- Moss and algae killer such as Wet & Forget to stop paths and paving getting slippery
- Orchid potting mix to re-pot phalaenopsis orchids
- Deciduous trees and climbers
- Camellias are in full bloom making selection a little easier - but it's always hard to choose between these beauties!
- Bin-Die to ensure a soft, prickle-free lawn in summer.