fruit fly

  1. How to identify and get rid of pests and diseases in your vegetable garden

    How to identify and get rid of pests and diseases in your vegetable garden
    There are some garden visitors that love fresh, home grown vegetables as much as you do. These are the common pests and diseases of the veggie garden. They may attack the leaves, fruit or even roots of plants and many target specific vegies. If you know what to expect, it makes control easier. Here are some commonly encountered pests of...
  2. How to treat citrus bugs and nutrient deficiencies

    How to treat citrus bugs and nutrient deficiencies
    There are lots of pests that are after your citrus trees, especially in the warmer months of the year. Here’s what to look for and what to do if you find one or more of these common pests. In addition to pest problems, citrus can also suffer from nutrient deficiencies that appear as yellowing leaves, so there are some tips...
  3. Summer pests & diseases checklist

    Summer pests & diseases checklist
    There are many tiny critters and plant diseases that want to feed on your plants over summer. Here’s our checklist for summer nasties, along with quick and easy ways to stop them in their tracks. The quickest way to deal with many pests and diseases is to remove the pest or damaged plant part by hand when it's first seen...
  4. What’s The Buzz? 8 Plants To Keep Mosquitoes And Other Pests Away

    What’s The Buzz? 8 Plants To Keep Mosquitoes And Other Pests Away
    Whether its mozzies, flies or ants, did you know you can stop pests in their tracks with a range of pest-repellent plants? The secret to these plants’ pest-repellent magic is in the oils they produce, which must be released in order for the plant to be effective against pests. There are a few ways to release these plants’ pest-deterring oils. For...
  5. Good & bad garden bugs

    Good & bad garden bugs
    Like it or not, there will always be bugs and insects in the garden. Some are good for the garden and some are not. Nobody likes the bad bugs that eat our plants, but if we eliminate them completely we lose the good bugs too. Without bugs there would be no frogs, no lizards, no birds and the garden would...
  6. Fruit tree care

    Fruit tree care
    Pick from our tree of knowledge and know thy fruit tree care for every season.   Summer With your tree (hopefully) full of ripening fruit, it’ll be irresistible to fruit flies and birds. Bird netting will stop feathered friends feasting on your fruit while fruit fly bait around your tree will keep pesky fruit flies away. We recommend eco-naturalure Fruit Fly...
  7. Fruit Fly Control

    Fruit Fly Control
    Fruit flies are a very real menace in the garden, attacking apricot, peach, nectarine, raspberry and mandarins, as well as our favourite salad vegetable, the tomato.

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